The AME PL/SQL API ame_api_pkg consists out of 8 different ways to deal with images. In this section we give an overview by procedure and function.

-- Logger
g_logger_enabled            constant boolean := true;  -- set to true to write extra debug output to logger - see
                                                        -- SQL> ALTER PACKAGE ame_api21_pkg COMPILE PLSQL_CCFLAGS = 'logger_on:TRUE'; 
                                                        -- When compiled and this global variable is set to true, debug will be written to logger too

-- Call to AME Server
g_ame_url                   varchar2(200) := null;  -- AME Server url
g_api_key                   varchar2(50)  := null;  -- AME API Key; only needed when AME Cloud is used (http(s)://
g_ame_mode                  varchar2(15)  := null;  -- AME Mode can be development or production; when running in development no cloud credits are used but a watermark is printed                                                    
g_failover_ame_url          varchar2(200) := null;  -- AME Server url in case of failure of AME url
g_failover_procedure        varchar2(200) := null;  -- When the failover url is used, the procedure specified in this variable will be called
g_proxy_override            varchar2(300) := null;  -- null=proxy defined in the application attributes
g_transfer_timeout          number(6)     := 1800;  -- default of APEX is 180
g_wallet_path               varchar2(300) := null;  -- null=defined in Manage Instance > Instance Settings
g_wallet_pwd                varchar2(300) := null;  -- null=defined in Manage Instance > Instance Settings
g_https_host                varchar2(300) := null;  -- The host name to be matched against the common name (CN) of the remote server's certificate for an HTTPS request.
g_logging                   clob          := '';    -- ability to add your own logging: e.g. "request_id":"123", "request_app":"APEX", "request_user":"RND"
g_debug                     varchar2(10)  := null;  -- set to 'Local' when only the JSON needs to be generated, 'Remote' for remore debug
g_debug_json                clob          := null;  -- when run in debug mode, this global variable is filled with the JSON that is being send to the AME Server
g_debug_procedure           varchar2(4000):= null;  -- when debug in APEX is turned on, next to the normal APEX debug, this procedure will be called
g_cloud_provider            varchar2(30)  := null;  -- dropbox, gdrive, onedrive, aws_s3, (s)ftp
g_cloud_location            varchar2(300) := null;  -- directory in dropbox, gdrive, onedrive, aws_s3 (with bucket), (s)ftp
g_cloud_access_token        varchar2(500) := null;  -- access token or credentials for dropbox, gdrive, onedrive, aws_s3, (s)ftp (needs json)
g_manipulator               varchar2(100) := 'sharp';  -- This is an optional attribute that will specify which image/video manipulator to use. Available manipulators: "sharp" or "jimp". (default "sharp")

-- Output
g_output_directory          varchar2(200) := '.';   -- set output directory on AME Server
                                                    -- if . is specified the files are saved in the default directory: outputfiles
g_output_db_directory       varchar2(200) := null;  -- set output directory on Database Server

g_output_stitch             varchar2(1)   := null;  -- set to Y(es) in case you want to stitch pictures together
g_stitch_orientation        varchar2(200) := null;  -- the orientation on how the images should be stitched, can be horizontal or vertical.
g_stitch_alignment          varchar2(200) := null;  -- defines how an image should be stitched, when the width or height of the to stitched image is smaller than the output image
                                                    -- Available alignment: center (=default), top/left, bottom/right
g_stitch_background_color   varchar2(200) := null;  -- background color of the image used in background 
                                                    -- any color such as black (=default), grey, red, green etc can be given as input.
g_stitch_mime_type          varchar2(200) := null;  -- mime type of output image e.g. image/jpeg
g_stitch_filename           varchar2(200) := null;  -- output file name of the stitched image

-- HELPER procedures and functions

-- check to see if the AME Server is running (function returning boolean)
function is_ame_accessible(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null)
  return boolean;

-- check to see if the AME Server is running (procedure returning with htp.p and dbms_output)
procedure is_ame_accessible(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null);

-- check the version of the AME Server (function)
function get_ame_server_version(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null)
  return varchar2;

-- check the version of the AME Server (procedure)
procedure show_ame_server_version(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null);

-- check the version of the AME Server (function)
function get_ame_plsql_version
  return varchar2;

-- check the version of the AME Server (procedure)
procedure show_ame_plsql_version;

-- get supported image input types (function)
function get_ame_input_types(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null)
  return varchar2;

-- show supported image input types (procedure)
procedure show_ame_input_types(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null);

-- get supported output types for a given input type (function)
function get_ame_output_type_for_input(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_input_type      in varchar2 default null,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null)
  return varchar2;

-- show supported output types for a given input type (procedure)
procedure show_ame_output_type_for_input(
  p_url             in varchar2,
  p_input_type      in varchar2 default null,
  p_proxy_override  in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_path     in varchar2 default null,
  p_wallet_pwd      in varchar2 default null);

-- MAIN procedures and functions

 * @Description: Convert one or more files by using a SQL query, PL/SQL Function returning SQL or JSON
 *               This returns a blob which includes the output 
 *               AME 20.1 will return one file. In AME 20.2 and higher multiple files will be returned as zip
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_type type of source: c_source_type_sql ('SQL'), c_source_type_plsql_sql ('PLSQL_SQL'), c_source_type_plsql ('PLSQL_JSON'), c_source_type_json ('JSON')
 * @Param: p_source Format of query: 
 *            select "file", 
 *                   "quality", "width", "max_width", "height", "max_height",
 *                   cursor("horizontal", "vertical") as "flip", 
 *                   cursor("value", "resize") as "rotate", 
 *                   cursor("font", "font_size", "x", "y", "rotation", "text", "image", "width", "height") as "overlay" ,
 *                   cursor("x", "y", "width", "height") as "crop",
 *                   "output_filename", "output_mime_type"
 *              from my_table 
 * @Param: p_binds Binds defined in the source (not necessary for APEX Page Items)
 * @Param: p_output_to Where does the blob or file need to be sent to: 
 *            - c_output_browser: the browser will open the file          
 *            - c_output_inline: the output is defined for showing inline in a region
 *            - c_output_directory: the file is stored on the ame Server in this directory
 *            - c_output_cloud: a file is sent to the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive) using the credentials defined in g_cloud_provider, g_cloud_location and g_cloud_access_token
 * @Param: p_debug Turning debugging on will generate the JSON that is sent to the ame Server in a file. The actual request to the ame Server is not done. Following constants can be used:
 *            - c_debug_remote: store the JSON in your dashboard on
 *            - c_debug_local: store the JSON local on your pc
 *            - c_debug_application_item: depending the Application item ame_debug, Remote (Yes) or Local (Local) or no debugging is done
 * @Param: p_ame_url Description: URL where the AME Server is running. For the ame Cloud use c_ame_url
 * @Param: p_api_key Description: API Key which can be found when you login at
 * @Param: p_failover_ame_url: URL where the ame Failover Server is running. For the ame Cloud use c_ame_url_fallback
 * @Param: p_failover_procedure: Procedure which is called when the failover URL is being used, so you are warned the main ame server has issues.
 * @Param: p_log_procedure: Procedure which can be defined to do your own extra logging.
 * @Return: Converted file in blob
 * @Example:
  -- SQL
              p_source_type      => 'SQL',
              p_source           => q'[select apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64(blob_content) as "file", 
                                              :P14_MAX_WIDTH as "max_width", :P14_MAX_HEIGHT as "max_height"
                                          from ame_images      
                                        where id = 1 
              p_ame_url          => '',
              p_api_key          => ''
            ) as new_image
  from ame_images
  where id = 1;

  -- PL/SQL    
    l_new_blob  blob;
    l_new_blob := ame_api_pkg.convert_files_b(
                    p_source_type      => ame_api_pkg.c_source_type_sql,
                    p_source           => q'[
                      select '' as "file", 
                            640 as "max_width", 480 as "max_height",
                            cursor(select null as "image", null as "width", null as "height", 'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 22 as "font_size", '#FFFFFF' as "font_color", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" from dual
                                    union all
                                    select '' as "image", 60 as "width", 60 as "height", null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" from dual 
                                  ) as "overlay", 
                            'nice.png' as "output_filename", 'image/png' as "output_mime_type"
                        from dual
                    p_ame_url          => ame_api_pkg.c_ame_url,
                    p_api_key          => ''
    sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_blob)));        

  -- JSON
    l_new_blob  blob;
    -- 1 image with overlay
    l_new_blob := ame_api_pkg.convert_files_b(
                    p_source_type      => ame_api_pkg.c_source_type_json,
                    p_source           => q'!
                        [ {
                          "file": "",
                          "max_width": 640,
                          "max_height": 480,
                          "overlay": [{
                            "text": "Watermark",
                            "font": "open sans",
                            "font_size": 22,
                            "x": 25,
                            "y": 40,
                            "rotation": 0
                            "x": 10,
                            "y": 10,
                            "width": 60,
                            "height": 60
                          "output_filename": "nice.png",
                          "output_mime_type": "image/png"
                        } ]
                    p_ame_url          => ame_api_pkg.c_ame_url,
                    p_api_key          => ''
    sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_blob)));       

    -- multiple images 
    ame_api_pkg.g_stitch_orientation      := 'horizontal';  
    ame_api_pkg.g_stitch_alignment        := 'center';
    ame_api_pkg.g_stitch_background_color := 'black';
    ame_api_pkg.g_stitch_mime_type        := 'image/jpeg';
    ame_api_pkg.g_stitch_filename         := 'stitched_image';

    l_new_blob := ame_api_pkg.convert_files_b(
                    p_source_type      => ame_api_pkg.c_source_type_json,
                    p_source           => q'!
                        [ {
                          "file": "",
                          "max_width": 640,
                          "max_height": 480,                          
                          "output_filename": "e2MonwE.png",
                          "output_mime_type": "image/png"
                          "file": "",
                          "max_width": 640,
                          "max_height": 480,                          
                          "output_filename": "apex-rd-logo.png",
                          "output_mime_type": "image/png"
                    p_ame_url          => ame_api_pkg.c_ame_url,
                    p_api_key          => ''
    sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_blob)));  
function convert_files_b(
  p_source_type           in varchar2 default c_source_type_sql,
  p_source                in clob,
  p_binds                 in wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list default c_binds,
  p_output_to             in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_stitch         in varchar2 default null,
  p_debug                 in varchar2 default null,
  p_ame_url               in varchar2 default null,
  p_api_key               in varchar2 default null,
  p_ame_mode              in varchar2 default null,
  p_failover_ame_url      in varchar2 default null,
  p_failover_procedure    in varchar2 default null,
  p_log_procedure         in varchar2 default null
) return blob;

 * @Description: Convert one or more files by using a SQL query, PL/SQL Function returning SQL or JSON
 *               This returns a clob which includes the output in a JSON format
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_type type of source: c_source_type_sql ('SQL'), c_source_type_plsql_sql ('PLSQL_SQL'), c_source_type_plsql ('PLSQL_JSON'), c_source_type_json ('JSON')
 * @Param: p_source Format of query: 
 *            select "file", 
 *                   "quality", "width", "max_width", "height", "max_height",
 *                   cursor("horizontal", "vertical") as "flip", 
 *                   cursor("value", "resize") as "rotate", 
 *                   cursor("font", "font_size", "x", "y", "rotation", "text", "image", "width", "height") as "overlay" ,
 *                   cursor("x", "y", "width", "height") as "crop",
 *                   "output_filename", "output_mime_type"
 *              from my_table 
 * @Param: p_binds Binds defined in the source (not necessary for APEX Page Items)
 * @Param: p_debug Turning debugging on will generate the JSON that is sent to the ame Server in a file. The actual request to the ame Server is not done. Following constants can be used:
 *            - c_debug_remote: store the JSON in your dashboard on
 *            - c_debug_local: store the JSON local on your pc
 *            - c_debug_application_item: depending the Application item ame_debug, Remote (Yes) or Local (Local) or no debugging is done
 * @Param: p_ame_url Description: URL where the AME Server is running. For the ame Cloud use c_ame_url
 * @Param: p_api_key Description: API Key which can be found when you login at
 * @Param: p_failover_ame_url: URL where the ame Failover Server is running. For the ame Cloud use c_ame_url_fallback
 * @Param: p_failover_procedure: Procedure which is called when the failover URL is being used, so you are warned the main ame server has issues.
 * @Param: p_log_procedure: Procedure which can be defined to do your own extra logging.
 * @Return: Converted file in blob
 * @Example:
  -- SQL
              p_source_type      => 'SQL',
              p_source           => q'[select apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64(blob_content) as "file", 
                                              :P14_MAX_WIDTH as "max_width", :P14_MAX_HEIGHT as "max_height"
                                          from ame_images      
                                        where id = 1 
              p_ame_url          => '',
              p_api_key          => ''
            ) as new_image
  from ame_images
  where id in (1,2);

  -- PL/SQL    
    l_new_clob  clob;
    l_new_clob := ame_api_pkg.convert_files_c(
                    p_source_type      => ame_api_pkg.c_source_type_sql,
                    p_source           => q'[
                      select '' as "file", 
                            640 as "max_width", 480 as "max_height",
                            cursor(select null as "image", null as "width", null as "height", 'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 22 as "font_size", '#FFFFFF' as "font_color", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" from dual
                                    union all
                                    select '' as "image", 60 as "width", 60 as "height", null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" from dual 
                                  ) as "overlay", 
                            'nice.png' as "output_filename", 'image/png' as "output_mime_type"
                        from dual
                    p_ame_url          => ame_api_pkg.c_ame_url,
                    p_api_key          => ''
    sys.htp.p('length new clob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_clob)));                          
function convert_files_c(
  p_source_type           in varchar2 default c_source_type_sql,
  p_source                in clob,
  p_binds                 in wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list default c_binds,
  p_output_stitch         in varchar2 default null,
  p_debug                 in varchar2 default null,
  p_ame_url               in varchar2 default null,
  p_api_key               in varchar2 default null,
  p_ame_mode              in varchar2 default null,
  p_failover_ame_url      in varchar2 default null,
  p_failover_procedure    in varchar2 default null,
  p_log_procedure         in varchar2 default null
) return clob;

 * @Description: Convert one image by specifying a blob or url
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_blob the blob of the image you want to adjust
 * @Param: p_source_url the url of the image you want to adjust (AME Server needs to be able to access it)
 * @Param: p_manipulator specifies which image/video manipulator to use. Available manipulators: "sharp" (default) or "jimp".
 * @Param: p_quality the quality of a JPEG image; values 0 till 100
 * @Param: p_width the new width of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_width the new width of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_height the new height of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_height the new height of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_resize_method the method to use for resizing: Sharp: nearest_neighbour,bicubic,mitchell,lanczos2,lanczos3,resize,methods 
 *                                                         Jimp: nearest_neighbour,bilinear,bicubic,hermite,bezier
 * @Param: p_crop select a part of the image {"x":"","y":"","width":"","height":""}
 * @Param: p_flip flip or mirror the image; {"horizontal":true, 
 *                                           "vertical":true}
 * @Param: p_rotate rotate the image {"value":90, //degrees, clockwise 
 *                                    "resize": true // if the width and height should be resized -> default false;}
 * @Param: p_overlay put one or more text and/or image watermarks [{"font_size":"22px","font": "open sans","x": 25,"y": 40,"text": "Watermark",}, 
 *                                                                 {"x": 25,"y": 40,"rotation": 0,"image": "base64:xxxx","width":100,"height":100}] 
 * @Param: p_greyscale make an image grey
 * @Param: p_output_filename the name of the output file
 * @Param: p_output_mime_type the mime/type of the output
 * @Return: Converted file in blob
 * @Example:
  -- SQL
    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

        p_source_blob      => blob_content,
        p_max_width        => 100,
        p_flip             => '{"vertical": true}',
        p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
        p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg'
      ) as new_image
  from ame_images
  where id = 1;

  -- PL/SQL
  -- make sure your API Key is set before you do call
    l_new_blob  blob;
    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

    for r in (select blob_content 
                from ame_images
              where id = 1)
      -- for now only 1 image is supported
      l_new_blob := ame_api_pkg.convert_image_b1(
                      p_source_blob      => r.blob_content,
                      p_max_width        => 100,
                      p_flip             => '{"vertical": true}',
                      p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
                      p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg'
      sys.htp.p('length orig blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(r.blob_content)));        
      sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_blob)));        
    end loop;
function convert_image_b1(
  p_source_blob      in blob default null,
  p_source_url       in varchar2 default null,
  p_manipulator      in varchar2 default null,
  p_quality          in varchar2 default null,
  p_width            in number default null,
  p_max_width        in number default null,
  p_height           in number default null,
  p_max_height       in number default null,
  p_resize_method    in varchar2 default null,
  p_crop             in varchar2 default null,
  p_flip             in varchar2 default null,
  p_rotate           in number default null,
  p_overlay          in varchar2 default null,
  p_greyscale        in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_filename  in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_mime_type in varchar2 default null  
) return blob;

 * @Description: Convert one image by specifying a blob or url
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_blob the blob of the image you want to adjust
 * @Param: p_source_url the url of the image you want to adjust (AME Server needs to be able to access it)
 * @Param: p_manipulator specifies which image/video manipulator to use. Available manipulators: "sharp" (default) or "jimp".
 * @Param: p_quality the quality of a JPEG image; values 0 till 100
 * @Param: p_width the new width of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_width the new width of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_height the new height of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_height the new height of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_resize_method the method to use for resizing: Sharp: nearest_neighbour,bicubic,mitchell,lanczos2,lanczos3,resize,methods 
 *                                                         Jimp: nearest_neighbour,bilinear,bicubic,hermite,bezier
 * @Param: p_crop_x x coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_y y coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_width width of selection
 * @Param: p_crop_height height of selection
 * @Param: p_flip_horizontal (Y/N) horizontal flip the image
 * @Param: p_flip_vertical (Y/N) vertical flip the image
 * @Param: p_rotate_degrees rotate the image clockwise e.g. 90
 * @Param: p_overlay_text put text on top of the image        
 * @Param: p_overlay_font font for text, default is open sans
 * @Param: p_overlay_font_size font size
 * @Param: p_overlay_font_color white or black
 * @Param: p_overlay_txt_x x coordinates
 * @Param: p_overlay_txt_y y coordinates
 * @Param: p_overlay_txt_rotation rotate text
 * @Param: p_overlay_image put another image on top of the image
 * @Param: p_overlay_img_x x coordinates
 * @Param: p_overlay_img_y y coordinates
 * @Param: p_overlay_img_rotation rotate image
 * @Param: p_overlay_img_width width of image
 * @Param: p_overlay_img_height height of image
 * @Param: p_greyscale make an image grey
 * @Param: p_output_filename the name of the output file
 * @Param: p_output_mime_type the mime/type of the output
 * @Return: Converted file in blob
 * @Example:
  -- SQL
    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

        p_source_blob      => blob_content,
        p_max_width        => 100,
        p_flip_vertical    => 'Y',
        p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
        p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg'
      ) as new_image
  from ame_images
  where id = 1;

  -- PL/SQL
  -- make sure your API Key is set before you do call
    l_new_blob  blob;
    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

    for r in (select blob_content 
                from ame_images
              where id = 1)
      l_new_blob := ame_api_pkg.convert_image_b2(
                      p_source_blob      => r.blob_content,
                      p_max_width        => 100,
                      p_flip_vertical    => 'Y',
                      p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
                      p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg'
      sys.htp.p('length orig blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(r.blob_content)));        
      sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_blob)));        
    end loop;
function convert_image_b2(
  p_source_blob          in blob default null,
  p_source_url           in varchar2 default null,
  -- manipulator
  p_manipulator          in varchar2 default null,
  -- quality jpeg
  p_quality              in varchar2 default null,
  -- resize   
  p_width                in number default null,
  p_max_width            in number default null,
  p_height               in number default null,
  p_max_height           in number default null,
  p_resize_method        in varchar2 default null,
  -- crop
  p_crop_x               in number default null,
  p_crop_y               in number default null,
  p_crop_width           in number default null,
  p_crop_height          in number default null,
  -- flip   
  p_flip_horizontal      in varchar2 default null,
  p_flip_vertical        in varchar2 default null,
  -- rotate   
  p_rotate_degrees       in number default null,
  -- overlay (watermark)
  p_overlay_text         in varchar2 default null,
  p_overlay_font         in varchar2 default null,
  p_overlay_font_size    in number default null,
  p_overlay_font_color   in varchar2 default null,
  p_overlay_txt_x        in number default null,
  p_overlay_txt_y        in number default null,
  p_overlay_txt_rotation in number default null,
  p_overlay_image        in clob default null,
  p_overlay_img_x        in number default null,
  p_overlay_img_y        in number default null,
  p_overlay_img_rotation in number default null,
  p_overlay_img_width    in number default null,
  p_overlay_img_height   in number default null,
  -- greyscale
  p_greyscale            in varchar2 default null,
  -- output
  p_output_filename      in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_mime_type     in varchar2 default null  
) return blob;

 * @Description: Convert one image by specifying a blob or url
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_blob the blob of the image you want to adjust
 * @Param: p_source_url the url of the image you want to adjust (AME Server needs to be able to access it)
 * @Param: p_manipulator specifies which image/video manipulator to use. Available manipulators: "sharp" (default) or "jimp".
 * @Param: p_quality the quality of a JPEG image; values 0 till 100
 * @Param: p_width the new width of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_width the new width of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_height the new height of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_height the new height of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_resize_method the method to use for resizing: Sharp: nearest_neighbour,bicubic,mitchell,lanczos2,lanczos3,resize,methods 
 *                                                         Jimp: nearest_neighbour,bilinear,bicubic,hermite,bezier
 * @Param: p_crop_x x coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_y y coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_width width of selection
 * @Param: p_crop_height height of selection
 * @Param: p_flip_horizontal (Y/N) horizontal flip the image
 * @Param: p_flip_vertical (Y/N) vertical flip the image
 * @Param: p_rotate_degrees rotate the image clockwise e.g. 90
 * @Param: p_overlay_sql put one or more texts and/or images on top of the image
 *           use following syntax for the SQL statement:
 *           select 'url or base64 encoded blob' as "image", 50 as "width", 30 as "height", 50 as "max_width", 50 as "max_height",
                    'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 12 as "font_size", 'white' as "font_color", 
                    10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" 
               from table
 * @Param: p_binds Binds defined in the source (not necessary for APEX Page Items, which are known by AME automatically)
 * @Param: p_greyscale make an image grey
 * @Param: p_output_filename the name of the output file
 * @Param: p_output_mime_type the mime/type of the output
 * @Return: Converted file in blob
 * @Example:
    l_orig_blob blob;
    l_new_blob  blob;
    l_binds     wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list;  
    select blob_content
      into l_orig_blob
      from ame_images
      where id=1;

    -- set AME API key (only necessary for AME Cloud)
    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

    -- define bind variables
    l_binds(1).name := 'p_id';
    l_binds(1).value := '2';

    l_new_blob := ame_api_pkg.convert_image_b3(
                    p_source_blob      => l_orig_blob,
                    p_overlay_sql      => q'[
                      select 'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 40 as "font_size", 'white' as "font_color", to_clob(null) as "image", 50 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" , null as "width", null as "height" from dual
                      union all
                      select null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64(blob_content) as "image", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 90 as "rotation", 90 as "width", 50 as "height" from ame_images where id=:p_id
                      union all
                      select null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", to_clob('') as "image", 200 as "x", 100 as "y", 0 as "rotation", 80 as "max_width", 60 as "max_height" from dual
                    p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
                    p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg'
    sys.htp.p('length orig blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_orig_blob)));        
    sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_new_blob)));        
function convert_image_b3(
  p_source_blob          in blob default null,
  p_source_url           in varchar2 default null,
  -- manipulator
  p_manipulator          in varchar2 default null,
  -- quality jpeg
  p_quality              in varchar2 default null,
  -- resize   
  p_width                in number default null,
  p_max_width            in number default null,
  p_height               in number default null,
  p_max_height           in number default null,
  p_resize_method        in varchar2 default null,
  -- crop
  p_crop_x               in number default null,
  p_crop_y               in number default null,
  p_crop_width           in number default null,
  p_crop_height          in number default null,
  -- flip   
  p_flip_horizontal      in varchar2 default null,
  p_flip_vertical        in varchar2 default null,
  -- rotate   
  p_rotate_degrees       in number default null,
  -- overlay (watermark)
  p_overlay_sql          in varchar2 default null,
  p_overlay_binds        in wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list default c_binds,    
  -- greyscale
  p_greyscale            in varchar2 default null,
  -- output
  p_output_filename      in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_mime_type     in varchar2 default null  
) return blob;

 * @Description: Convert one image by specifying a blob or url
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_blob the blob of the image you want to adjust
 * @Param: p_source_url the url of the image you want to adjust (AME Server needs to be able to access it)
 * @Param: p_manipulator specifies which image/video manipulator to use. Available manipulators: "sharp" (default) or "jimp".
 * @Param: p_quality the quality of a JPEG image; values 0 till 100
 * @Param: p_width the new width of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_width the new width of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_height the new height of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_height the new height of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_resize_method the method to use for resizing: Sharp: nearest_neighbour,bicubic,mitchell,lanczos2,lanczos3,resize,methods 
 *                                                         Jimp: nearest_neighbour,bilinear,bicubic,hermite,bezier
 * @Param: p_crop_x x coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_y y coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_width width of selection
 * @Param: p_crop_height height of selection
 * @Param: p_flip_horizontal (Y/N) horizontal flip the image
 * @Param: p_flip_vertical (Y/N) vertical flip the image
 * @Param: p_rotate_degrees rotate the image clockwise e.g. 90
 * @Param: p_overlay_sql put one or more texts and/or images on top of the image
 *           use following syntax for the SQL statement:
 *           select 'url or base64 encoded blob' as "image", 50 as "width", 30 as "height", 50 as "max_width", 50 as "max_height",
                    'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 12 as "font_size", 'white' as "font_color", 
                    10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" 
               from table
 * @Param: p_binds Binds defined in the source (not necessary for APEX Page Items, which are known by AME automatically)
 * @Param: p_greyscale make an image grey
 * @Param: p_output_filename the name of the output file
 * @Param: p_output_mime_type the mime/type of the output
 * @Out: o_initial_width output initial width
 * @Out: o_initial_height output initial height
 * @Out: o_initial_mime_type output initial mime type
 * @Out: o_initial_extension output extension e.g. jpg
 * @Out: o_output_width output new width
 * @Out: o_output_height output new height
 * @Out: o_output_mime_type output new mime type
 * @Out: o_output_extension output new extension
 * @Out: o_output_blob output image (blob)
 * @Out: o_meta_data  output meta data
 * @Example:
    l_amt               integer := 4000;
    l_pos               integer := 1;
    l_buf               varchar2(32000);      
    l_orig_blob         blob;
    l_initial_width     number;
    l_initial_height    number;
    l_initial_mime_type varchar2(200);
    l_initial_extension varchar2(200);
    l_output_width      number;
    l_output_height     number;
    l_output_mime_type  varchar2(200);
    l_output_extension  varchar2(200);
    l_output_blob       blob;
    l_meta_data         clob;
    select blob_content
      into l_orig_blob
      from ame_images
      where id=1;

    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

      p_source_blob      => l_orig_blob,
      p_overlay_sql      => q'[
        select 'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 40 as "font_size", 'white' as "font_color", null as "image", 50 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" , null as "width", null as "height" from dual
        union all
        select null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", '' as "image", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 90 as "rotation", 90 as "width", 50 as "height" from dual
        union all
        select null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", '' as "image", 200 as "x", 100 as "y", 0 as "rotation", 80 as "max_width", 60 as "max_height" from dual
      p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
      p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg',
      o_initial_width    => l_initial_width,
      o_initial_height   => l_initial_height,
      o_initial_mime_type=> l_initial_mime_type,
      o_initial_extension=> l_initial_extension,
      o_output_width     => l_output_width,
      o_output_height    => l_output_height,
      o_output_mime_type => l_output_mime_type,
      o_output_extension => l_output_extension,
      o_output_blob      => l_output_blob,
      o_meta_data        => l_meta_data                           

    sys.htp.p('length orig blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_orig_blob)));        
    sys.htp.p('image initial width: ' || to_char(l_initial_width));
    sys.htp.p('image initial height: ' || to_char(l_initial_height));
    sys.htp.p('initial mime_type: ' || l_initial_mime_type);
    sys.htp.p('initial extension: ' || l_initial_extension);        
    sys.htp.p('length new blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_output_blob)));        
    sys.htp.p('image width: ' || to_char(l_output_width));
    sys.htp.p('image height: ' || to_char(l_output_height));
    sys.htp.p('mime_type: ' || l_output_mime_type);
    sys.htp.p('extension: ' || l_output_extension);        
    sys.htp.p('meta data: ');
    -- as the meta data can be over 32K we will loop over it
    if dbms_lob.getlength(l_meta_data) > 0
, l_amt, l_pos, l_buf);
          l_pos := l_pos+l_amt;
          l_amt := 4000;
        when no_data_found then
      end loop;        
    end if;          
 procedure convert_image_o1(
  p_source_blob          in blob default null,
  p_source_url           in varchar2 default null,
  -- manipulator
  p_manipulator          in varchar2 default null,
  -- quality jpeg
  p_quality              in varchar2 default null,
  -- resize   
  p_width                in number default null,
  p_max_width            in number default null,
  p_height               in number default null,
  p_max_height           in number default null,
  p_resize_method        in varchar2 default null,
  -- crop
  p_crop_x               in number default null,
  p_crop_y               in number default null,
  p_crop_width           in number default null,
  p_crop_height          in number default null,
  -- flip   
  p_flip_horizontal      in varchar2 default null,
  p_flip_vertical        in varchar2 default null,
  -- rotate   
  p_rotate_degrees       in number default null,
  -- overlay (watermark)
  p_overlay_sql          in varchar2 default null,
  p_overlay_binds        in wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list default c_binds,  
  -- greyscale
  p_greyscale            in varchar2 default null,
  -- output
  p_output_filename      in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_mime_type     in varchar2 default null,
  -- output variables
  o_initial_width        out number,
  o_initial_height       out number, 
  o_initial_mime_type    out varchar2,
  o_initial_extension    out varchar2,
  o_output_width         out number,
  o_output_height        out number,
  o_output_mime_type     out varchar2,
  o_output_extension     out varchar2,
  o_output_blob          out blob,
  o_meta_data            out clob

 * @Description: Convert one image by specifying a blob or url
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_blob the blob of the image you want to adjust
 * @Param: p_source_url the url of the image you want to adjust (AME Server needs to be able to access it)
 * @Param: p_manipulator specifies which image/video manipulator to use. Available manipulators: "sharp" (default) or "jimp".
 * @Param: p_quality the quality of a JPEG image; values 0 till 100
 * @Param: p_width the new width of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_width the new width of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_height the new height of the image; will not be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_max_height the new height of the image; will be proporsional 
 * @Param: p_resize_method the method to use for resizing: Sharp: nearest_neighbour,bicubic,mitchell,lanczos2,lanczos3,resize,methods 
 *                                                         Jimp: nearest_neighbour,bilinear,bicubic,hermite,bezier
 * @Param: p_crop_x x coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_y y coordinates to start crop of image
 * @Param: p_crop_width width of selection
 * @Param: p_crop_height height of selection
 * @Param: p_flip_horizontal (Y/N) horizontal flip the image
 * @Param: p_flip_vertical (Y/N) vertical flip the image
 * @Param: p_rotate_degrees rotate the image clockwise e.g. 90
 * @Param: p_overlay_sql put one or more texts and/or images on top of the image
 *           use following syntax for the SQL statement:
 *           select 'url or base64 encoded blob' as "image", 50 as "width", 30 as "height", 50 as "max_width", 50 as "max_height",
                    'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 12 as "font_size", 'white' as "font_color", 
                    10 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" 
               from table
 * @Param: p_binds Binds defined in the source (not necessary for APEX Page Items, which are known by AME automatically)
 * @Param: p_greyscale make an image grey
 * @Param: p_output_filename the name of the output file
 * @Param: p_output_mime_type the mime/type of the output
 * @Out: o_output_blob output image (blob)
 * @Out: o_meta_data  output meta data
 * @Example:
    l_amt               integer := 4000;
    l_pos               integer := 1;
    l_buf               varchar2(32000);      
    l_orig_blob         blob;
    l_output_blob       blob;
    l_meta_data         clob;
    select blob_content
      into l_orig_blob
      from ame_images
      where id=1;

    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

      p_source_blob      => l_orig_blob,
      p_overlay_sql      => q'[
        select 'watermark' as "text", 'open sans' as "font", 40 as "font_size", 'white' as "font_color", null as "image", 50 as "x", 10 as "y", 45 as "rotation" , null as "width", null as "height" from dual
        union all
        select null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", '' as "image", 10 as "x", 10 as "y", 90 as "rotation", 90 as "width", 50 as "height" from dual
        union all
        select null as "text", null as "font", null as "font_size", null as "font_color", '' as "image", 200 as "x", 100 as "y", 0 as "rotation", 80 as "max_width", 60 as "max_height" from dual
      p_output_filename  => 'output.jpg',
      p_output_mime_type => 'image/jpeg',
      o_output_blob      => l_output_blob,
      o_meta_data        => l_meta_data                           

    sys.htp.p('length blob: ' || to_char(dbms_lob.getlength(l_output_blob)));        
    sys.htp.p('meta data: ');
    -- as the meta data can be over 32K we will loop over it
    if dbms_lob.getlength(l_meta_data) > 0
, l_amt, l_pos, l_buf);
          l_pos := l_pos+l_amt;
          l_amt := 4000;
        when no_data_found then
      end loop;        
    end if;          
procedure convert_image_o2(
  p_source_blob          in blob default null,
  p_source_url           in varchar2 default null,
  -- manipulator
  p_manipulator          in varchar2 default null,
  -- quality jpeg
  p_quality              in varchar2 default null,
  -- resize   
  p_width                in number default null,
  p_max_width            in number default null,
  p_height               in number default null,
  p_max_height           in number default null,
  p_resize_method        in varchar2 default null,
  -- crop
  p_crop_x               in number default null,
  p_crop_y               in number default null,
  p_crop_width           in number default null,
  p_crop_height          in number default null,
  -- flip   
  p_flip_horizontal      in varchar2 default null,
  p_flip_vertical        in varchar2 default null,
  -- rotate   
  p_rotate_degrees       in number default null,
  -- overlay (watermark)
  p_overlay_sql          in varchar2 default null,
  p_overlay_binds        in wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list default c_binds,  
  -- greyscale
  p_greyscale            in varchar2 default null,
  -- output
  p_output_filename      in varchar2 default null,
  p_output_mime_type     in varchar2 default null,
  -- output variables
  o_output_blob          out blob,
  o_meta_data            out clob

 * @Description: Get the meta data from an image by specifying a blob or url
 * @Author: Dimitri Gielis
 * @Created: 1-SEP-2019
 * @Param: p_source_blob the blob of the image you want to adjust
 * @Param: p_source_url the url of the image you want to adjust (AME Server needs to be able to access it)
 * @Out: o_output_width output new width
 * @Out: o_output_height output new height
 * @Out: o_output_mime_type output new mime type
 * @Out: o_meta_data  output meta data
 * @Example:
    l_amt        integer := 4000;
    l_pos        integer := 1;
    l_buf        varchar2(32000);      
    l_orig_blob  blob;
    l_width      number(6);
    l_height     number(6);
    l_mime_type  varchar2(200);
    l_extension  varchar2(10);
    l_meta_data  clob;
    select blob_content
      into l_orig_blob
      from ame_images
      where id=1;

    ame_api_pkg.g_api_key := '';

      p_source_blob  => l_orig_blob,
      o_width        => l_width,     
      o_height       => l_height,    
      o_mime_type    => l_mime_type, 
      o_extension    => l_extension,
      o_meta_data    => l_meta_data 

    sys.htp.p('image width: ' || to_char(l_width));
    sys.htp.p('image height: ' || to_char(l_height));
    sys.htp.p('mime_type: ' || l_mime_type);
    sys.htp.p('extension: ' || l_extension);        
    sys.htp.p('meta data: ');
    -- as the meta data can be over 32K we will loop over it
    if dbms_lob.getlength(l_meta_data) > 0
, l_amt, l_pos, l_buf);
          l_pos := l_pos+l_amt;
          l_amt := 4000;
        when no_data_found then
      end loop;        
    end if;  
procedure get_image_properties(
  p_source_blob          in blob default null,
  p_source_url           in varchar2 default null,
  p_manipulator          in varchar2 default null,
  -- output variables
  o_width                out number,
  o_height               out number, 
  o_mime_type            out varchar2,
  o_extension            out varchar2,
  o_meta_data            out clob