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Release History

  • Team AME 10-MAR-2025

    Version 25.1 of APEX Media Extension (AME) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.



    • AME 25.1 is compatible with APEX versions 19.2 and higher.


    • The AME Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).


    • Support for dynamic URL processing for image manipulation
    • Implemented universal watermark feature visible across all image types
    • Added support for removing specific background colors from images
    • Added ability to convert images to progressive JPEG format
    • Added access token in the ame_config.
    • Ability to save incoming JSON requests.
    • Ability to enable/disable access log and process log.
    • Periodic Logs Removal and ability to configure the log removal duration (in days).
    • Complete revamp of AME Webeditor with new features, more image manipulation options and faster JSON editor.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed rotation issues in overlay text functionality
  • Team AME 18-APR-2023

    Version 23.1 of APEX Media Extension (AME) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AME 23.1 is compatible with APEX versions 19.2 and higher.


    • added support for line break (\n and <br>) in overlay text
    • uptake of new image processing on the server
    • fix issue with stitching
  • Team AME 09-APR-2022

    Version 22.1 of APEX Media Extension (AME) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AME 22.1 is compatible with APEX versions 18.x and higher.


    • 'webp' extension is now supported for both input and output image files
    • Added the options to set minimum width and height (scale up)
    • Added the option to choose whether to maintain aspect ratio or not, using option 'maintain_aspect_ratio' and value can be 'true' or 'false'
    • Ability to scale the image, using the option 'scale' and value can be all natural numbers (including decimal places) or percentage
    • Webeditor added: this will allow user to drag and drop the debug JSON and edit the content of the JSON
  • Team AME 18-NOV-2021

    Version 21.2 of APEX Media Extension (AME) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AME 21.2 is compatible with APEX versions 18.x and higher.


    • Auto-detection of rotation metadata in JPEG images.
    • Metadata now contains the image size.
    • Added the ability to query supported input and output types.
    • Added the ability to stitch the provided images into one. Images can be stitched horizontally or vertically.
    • Exif images will no longer contain a thumbnail (necessary for image manipulation).
    • AME Server will now create a new log file daily. Max duration can be configured.
    • HEIC support has been added. The image will be converted to JPEG before manipulation.
    • Overlay optimization
    • Caching of URL images
    • Added the ability to disable static key ciphers when using HTTPS.
    • AME server will now return the "polo" string when a GET request is received on the "/polo" route.
    • Bug fix: Empty crop objects are now handled properly.
  • Team AME 02-JUN-2020

    Version 20.1.3 of APEX Media Extension (AME) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AME 20.1.3 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher.

    Fixed an issue with supporting objects in the AME Sample Application and update of the client-side plug-in.

  • Team AME 29-APR-2020

    Version 20.1.2 of APEX Media Extension (AME) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AME 20.1.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher.

    The PL/SQL API will try two times before it fails-over to the fail-over URL.

  • Team AME 06-MAR-2020

    We did a small update to fix a bug in the install.sql file and Oracle APEX Plug-in.

  • Team AME 28-FEB-2020

    APEX Media Extension (AME) makes it easy to process or convert media before or after it is stored in the Oracle Database. Using our Oracle Application Express (APEX) plug-in, PL/SQL API, and REST API you can:

    • resize images
    • crop images
    • add watermarks or overlays to images
    • compress images
    • resize images
    • change image formats (jpg, png, ...)
    • read media metadata
  • Team AME 30-DEC-2019

    We just send a first beta release to people registered on our website.

  • Team AME 11-DEC-2019

    Public announcement of opening up a beta release.